On 10/25/11 10:24 AM, Nick wrote:
I'm trying to get good, consistent, photographs of a VFD display
(single tube) and have having trouble with getting the colours right&
decent detail - this is when the tube is lit (all segments).

Anyone done this with good success and care to share settings/
technique etc.?



I just spent some large amount of time with professional photographers working with both my Nixie watch and my LED video coat. They took hours and hundreds of pictures to get a couple good shots. I watched their methods.

The tube display elements tend to be a lot brighter than the camera's exposure sensor expects, so you have to use manual exposure setting and dial it a couple F-stops darker than the meter thinks is correct. Take test photos and adjust as needed until you're happy with the result.

Once you get the glowing parts correct, then you can start to work on the background lighting. If you're using manual camera settings, then the background light changes shouldn't affect the glowing bits' exposure.

Diffused lighting is very helpful to get the background right. That can be hard to achieve indoors, but it's possible with several lights pointed at the light-colored room walls and ceiling. Direct lighting is usually unhelpful. The guy who took photos for PopSci used a light on each side and one above me, but he had expensive lights with very tight beam control.

As far as the color goes, blue-green is the most difficult to get right due to the extremely nonlinear color response of the human eyeball and the nature of RGB color sensors used in cameras. You'll have to take several photos with different white balance settings and see which comes out looking the best. And there's always post-production software (Photoshop).

David Forbes, Tucson AZ

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