Something you may want to try is to turn off all lights/take in a
darkened room. This way you are zeroing in on the light emitted from
the tube rather than reflected light from external sources.

Here are some examples I just tried, although of a nixie clock I am
completing (I don't have any VFD's to hand & realise the colour issue)
you will get the idea. These were taken with my Olympus X-44, a cheap
and cheerful digital camera, left in full auto mode on a tripod about
2 were taken with a small light behind me (desk lamp) 2 without, the
only other light source was my monitor 7 1/2ft away. Exposure time 1/2
sec @ f/5.0 eq ISO 400
A quick check with photoshop shows they can be tweaked for even more
detail, maybe a case of 'KISS', I can play around with the rear light
to remove/increase background.
Worth a shot?

On 25 Oct, 18:24, Nick <> wrote:
> I'm trying to get good, consistent, photographs of a VFD display
> (single tube) and have having trouble with getting the colours right &
> decent detail - this is when the tube is lit (all segments).
> Anyone done this with good success and care to share settings/
> technique etc.?
> Nick

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