In the Mike Harrisson design (at least for US power), the HV nixie supply is ~250vdc. I think that 200-210 should not pose any problem provided that the current limiting resistor is appropriate.


On 1/22/2012 2:47 PM, Jan Rychter wrote:
On 18 sty 2012, at 07:08, dr pepper wrote:

Hi guys I'm new to the group, I have built a couple of clocks before,
I'm working on a IN1 nixie clock with an OG4 dekatron and a IN9 neon
bargraph (seconds) at the moment, it uses a software module for the
pic micro to decode the msf time signal.
All the electronics (well nearly all) and software is my own.
The latest development is a switching power supply that uses a
cockroft walton voltage multiplier so that I can have just one power
supply inverter with 2 outputs 200 and 400v for the nixies and
dekatron respectively.
Ahh, interesting, that is very similar to what I'm planning. My PSU produces 
two voltages as well (I'll post a writeup soon about the stability problems I 
had, I have them partially solved now).

I'll be using a combination of IN-1 and A-101 dekatrons and I was planning on 
pushing the nixies slightly to 200-210V, so that the dekatron can get its 
400-420V. I was worried about damaging the IN-1s, though -- not sure if they'll 
take to 210V kindly.


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