Wow Frank, whilst we could accuse Michel of being 'over exuberant' I
don't think (I hope our fellow forum members) there is any need to be
rude! How about doing our best to keep it polite and friendly?

Michel I wish you the best in your venture and look forward to seeing
your results, you are obviously very passionate about your work, I
would suggest you try to be more empathetical/sensitive to others
work. I get where you're coming from mate (the ex aussie is coming out
in me now lol) others maybe a bit more more sensitive.

On 30 Jan, 08:42, "Frank Bemelman" <> wrote:
> Michel,
> Seems that you know everything. It also seems
> that your only interest is to show off how good you are
> and how stupid everybody else is.
> The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Sofar you
> have only shown a meaningless 3d rendering of a
> board and a lot of crap talk.
> You would do _me_ a favour if you shut up until you have
> something solid to report.
> Frank
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> From: Cobra007
> Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 9:04 AM
> To: neonixie-l
> Subject: [neonixie-l] Re: Hello from Sydney
> I did in fact take all of that into account, that's why I mentioned
> I'd be happy to get 14dB dimming out of it (20 - 6)

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