On Feb 9, 1:05 pm, Lucky <dave.lucky.po...@gmail.com> wrote:
> "So lots of schoolboys
> would break open a thermometer and coat the ha'penny with the
> mercury
> to make it silver and pass it off as a shilling"
> Hate to admit it, I was one of those boys. I was 'hero' of the class
> for a short term when I showed them that trick lol, our class was
> banned from having access to/use any mercury but had a friendly lab
> assistant (I'm sure he was a prefect) who sold us a small jar of it.
> Them were the days haha.
> Dave.

A while ago I went back to my school on an open day - all the LAB
floors had been sealed with some sort of latex which went about 10cm
up the walls - this was because Hg had become absorbed into the
floorboards an Hg vapour was detectable in the classrooms, so all the
floors had to be sealed.

They took away all the fun stuff - most of the conc acids, benzine,
Hg, the bottles of Na & K (under oil). No fun anymore.

I used to put pennies on the railway lines 'cos then the trains used
to flatten them in a wedge shape as they flew out the side & stuck in
the fence - they were like razors...


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