One GPS unit broadcasting the time locally is what I do. I use a unit with an external antenna, so no issues with locking in a signal. The unit starts searching for a signal every night at midnight, then once it locks on shuts down the GPS. I use a n accurate RTC the rest of the time. Saves power (I live off grid) and keeps the time spot-on.

On 7/18/2013 12:33 AM, Nigel Walker wrote:
I like to use GPS, DCF, MSF because then I don't have to set the time on the clock, it is very accurate and in clock needs fewer buttons.
Disadvantages are:
GPS - The clock location needs to be able to see the GPS satellites, although these days the receivers are so sensitive you can often make these work indoors. MSF/DCF - Can be prone to interference from TV/Computer monitors and even the switcher in the clock. These disadvantages can be addressed by having the receiver unit remote from the clock and then a low power wireless connection between them, but that is getting a bit complicated. It does mean, if you have several clocks, you could have one 'server' sending to all the clocks.

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