On 8 Feb 2014, at 12:15, lai...@wcoil.com wrote:

> Kind of rotten to not even get an E-mail.  I would say this outfit isn't
> run very well, or just doesn't care. 

If you recall, on behalf of those here who donated I had dialogue with them as 
follows and by the way, Kevin never did get back to me about why it happened.

John S

----old snippage---

Dear John

Thank you for your email and for pointing out this lapse on our behalf.

Firstly, I must apologise for not being aware of the kind donations
from your members, but I am absolutely sure all of these donations is
valued and welcomed.  Please do pass on my thanks to your members.

I will investigate why we didn't respond sooner and get back in touch
as soon as I can.

I hope we will see you at the museum and see the machine in full working order!

Kind regards and many thanks.

Kevin Murrell - Trustee
07939 471765
The National Museum of Computing - www.tnmoc.org

On 20 November 2012 12:54, Quixotic Nixotic <nixci...@jsdesign.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> While we are all happy that the Harwell Witch computer is now working again,
> it seems that members of the neonixie-l@googlegroups.com group that donated
> their rare tubes to your project never received so much as an acknowledgment
> for their parting with them. Their rarity and value constituted a financial
> donation as well as a sacrifice of people's personal collections.
> I wasn't one of the donors, I don't have rare dekatrons, but there are some
> disgruntled people who think that some kind of thanks or even a note to say
> they were received safely might have been in order, Nick de Smith and
> Grahame Marsh being two of them.
> It seems to me a bit short-sighted not to have said something - people may
> be more circumspect about donating any more tubes to your project(s) in
> future.
> You would be most welcome to join the group and say a brief collective
> thanks. Failing that, a quick note from you I could pass on to the group
> would go down well.
> Well done for a happy result though.
> Regards,
> John Smout

---end snippage---

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