Thank You Jens for promo, I am glad You like the tube!

Terry S: As for the volume production, I do my best, but I am not able to 
produce more than 10-15 tubes per month. I develop various equipment 
(pumping systems, induction heaters, power supplies, testers, fixtures, 
jigs...) or procedures (pumping times, material behaviour in vacuum test, 
lifetime tests...) most of the time , the manufacture itself takes less 
than half of actual working time.

As for the price, $50 is unfortunately unrealistic target. Lets take USA 
manufacturer National as an example, they sold a NL-7037 (50mm digit tube) 
for USD 19/each (if You took 100+ pcs) in 1969. When we take the inflation, 
the actual price in today's value of USD would be $122/each. They produced 
large amounts of tubes by then, using automated machines for all the 
manufacture steps except the inner system assembly - this decreased the 
price significantly, but despite this fact, it was still expensive. And now 
imagine that I make all the steps by hand, spending really lot of time on 
every tube. Also every piece of the vacuum related equipment is very 
expensive (e.g. new turbo pump I use $4k, roughing pump $2k, gauge 
$1.5k...), so covering this from income from the tubes is practically 

Greg P: I already have some plans for bigger tube, but it will take some 
time to make it real ;-)

Best regards,

Dalibor Farny

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