> Would it have cost 7,000 bucks to have that neon tubing replaced? Or
> did they go to the wrong person?

If all he did was have the glass replaced, that's kinda high.  For plain
double stroke block letters, figure $35-50 a letter, depending on size.

Some benders price by the foot and number of bends but I simplified
letter prices to just the height and the number of strokes.  Comes out
about the same.

There would also be crane time for installing the letters in situ.

It doesn't look like any repainting or can touchup was done.

If the sign needed new transformers and internal wiring, maybe that high
a price could be justified but that's a lot more money than I could get
around here.


John DeArmond
Tellico Plains, Occupied TN
http://www.fluxeon.com      <-- THE source for induction heaters
http://www.neon-john.com    <-- email from here
http://www.johndearmond.com <-- Best damned Blog on the net
https://www.etsy.com/shop/BarbraJoanOriginals  <-- please visit
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