Well, that's interesting!  I got an old HP 130C 'scope in a pallet of 
surplus gear, which is in very good condition and works; my plan is to 
restore it to as close to factory-new as I can.  I powered it with clip 
leads for a while, until the (irritatingly expensive) eBay power cord 
arrived, which of course works fine.  However, now I'm worried that the hot 
and neutral are swapped...  If so, I guess I'll have to track down the 
correct cord.  (According to the schematic, it should be safe to operate 
this way - although the hot side is switched and fused, neither side 
connects to the chassis in any way.)
Mark Moulding


> As you can see there are two versions of the same cord with Hot and 
> Neutral reversed. The HP version is "backwards". 
> I paid through the nose to get two of the HP type from eBay a couple of 
> years ago. The last time I looked Sphere had some but their shipping from 
> Canada is enormous. 
> Where did you find the picture? 
> Terry Bowman, KA4HJH 
> "The Mac Doctor" 

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