Netbean's automatic formatting does a pretty good job with new code. However, I think the general advice is to not change existing code just because. When you're dealing with multiple release families, it makes the merges much more difficult.


On 9/13/2012 6:18 AM, John Zavgren wrote:

I have a simple question about how to enforce code styles for: java, c, and c++. I know 
there are style guides that legislate the indentation, "curly brace and parenthesis 
management", etc.

I'm looking for a simple automatic way to transform any source code file so that it's 
image is guaranteed to be "correct". No thinking required.

What I normally do is use an open source tool named "indent", e.g.,

indent -bap -bbb -bl -nce -l80 file1.cpp file2.h file3.c

And, I put an "indent" target in my make files.

Consequently whenever I make something, the very first step is to format the code, and I 
know that when I do a check in later on... I never have to think about whether or not the 
code conforms to a style guide... because the options I gave to "indent" 
implemented this guide. (You can do similar things with emacs too.)

Any ideas?

John Zavgren

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