On 09/14/2012 08:21 AM, Brad Wetmore wrote:
Netbean's automatic formatting does a pretty good job with new code.

That's Alt-Shift-F, which I rarely dare to press, because it change existing codes.

In fact, NetBeans is doing very smart indentation while you are coding, at least it adheres to the Sun/Oracle convention. The only thing I need to care about is breaking long lines.

I also turn on Options|Editor|General|Remove Trailing Whitespace From Modified Lines Only.

However, I think the general advice is to not change existing code just
because.  When you're dealing with multiple release families, it makes
the merges much more difficult.

Yes, yes, yes, and it makes code reviewers wondering what really changed.



On 9/13/2012 6:18 AM, John Zavgren wrote:

I have a simple question about how to enforce code styles for: java,
c, and c++. I know there are style guides that legislate the
indentation, "curly brace and parenthesis management", etc.

I'm looking for a simple automatic way to transform any source code
file so that it's image is guaranteed to be "correct". No thinking

What I normally do is use an open source tool named "indent", e.g.,

indent -bap -bbb -bl -nce -l80 file1.cpp file2.h file3.c file4.java

And, I put an "indent" target in my make files.

Consequently whenever I make something, the very first step is to
format the code, and I know that when I do a check in later on... I
never have to think about whether or not the code conforms to a style
guide... because the options I gave to "indent" implemented this
guide. (You can do similar things with emacs too.)

Any ideas?

John Zavgren

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