On 14/09/12 12:20, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 14/09/2012 01:21, Brad Wetmore wrote:
Netbean's automatic formatting does a pretty good job with new code.
However, I think the general advice is to not change existing code
just because.  When you're dealing with multiple release families, it
makes the merges much more difficult.

One think that Paul Sandoz suggested recently is that we should have a
NB template that folks can use to avoid some discussions/debates on
styles. It would be great for someone to run with that, the hard part is
of course that it will be impossible to get agreement. Personally I find
NB's defaults okay but there are several cases where its indenting is

I did play with NB somewhat trying to get it follow, exactly, the preferred style in some areas of the JDK code. I was able to get it close, or at least better than the default, but I don't believe it is possible to get it to do exactly what we want.


Anyway, the main advice I think is to keep things locally consistent
where possible. Also major refactoring or formatting in a bug fix is a
royal pain for reviewers.


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