There are 13 messages totalling 798 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. MISC> [DIGITALDIVIDE] Fantastic Book on Accessible Web Design
  2. K12> GEN->American Presidents
  4. UPDATED> The Math Goodies Newsletter
  5. RESOUR> [netsites]
  6. K12> [netsites] Torah Tots
  7. RESOUR> [netsites] The Louvre Museum
  8. MISC> [netsites] The Costume Gallery
  9. MISC> [netsites] Teen Boarding Schools
 10. RESOUR> [netsites] Tech Dictionary
 11. K12> [netsites] TeachWashington
 12. RESOUR> NetFirst-L: Civil War in Angola
 13. UPDATED> NetFirst-L Calendar Planner 201

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send the message: set net-happenings mail

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Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 2002 09:55:18 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [DIGITALDIVIDE] Fantastic Book on Accessible Web Design

Date:         Sun, 14 Apr 2002 16:11:34 -0400
From:         "Michael R. Burks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      [DIGITALDIVIDE] Fantastic Book on Accessible Web Design
To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]


the best book ever on accessible web design is out!  It can be gotten at

I was written by Mark Urban, Cynthia Waddell,  Michael Burks, Jim Thatcher,
Shawn Lawton Henry, Paul Bohman, John Davey, Bob Regan, and Sara J.
Swierenga.  Cynthia's Legal chapters are the best anywhere. Jim Thatcher's
pages on the nuts and bolts of accessible design are without peer anyplace.
In fact, the book is the best there is, anyplace, any time!

We are working on an accessible  version.

If you buy if from this link, the non profit I work with gets
five percent.


Mike Burks


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 2002 09:55:57 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> GEN->American Presidents

Date:         Mon, 15 Apr 2002 10:00:18 -0400
From:         NHS Webmaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      GEN->American Presidents
To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm not sure if this site has been mentioned on LM_NET, but even if so,
it is worth sharing again.

The American President

This educational outreach website is meant for teachers, students,
scholars, and all parties interested in the office of the Presidency
produced by the Miller Center of Public Affair at the University of Virginia.

I've not seen a better organized, more detailed, web site about
American presidents online or in print!

It's worth taking a look at it!

Adam Janowski
Library Media Specialist
Naples High School
1100 Golden Eagle Circle
Naples, FL 34102
Phone: 941-430-6644 Ext. 390
Library web site:
School web site:

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Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 2002 09:58:31 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

From: Carol Snyder Dufault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 07:21:07 -0700

The fun never stops at PBS Kids! Come and check out the new look, cool
new content, even more activities and games, and an area especially for
kids 6-11. Try your hand at production with the Make a Short feature
that teaches you all about the animation process and then lets you
submit your ideas for a possible PBS Kids spot to be shown on-air.
Plus, participate in new weekly polls and quizzes tied to your favorite
PBS shows, and much more.

Explore crucial real-life issues with this innovative new Web site that
offers kids ages 9 to 12 a much-needed resource for information,
community, and interactivity related to the social, emotional, and
physical issues that most affect them. Delve into a wide variety of
topics, from handling divorce to getting teased by bullies; from
fighting with friends to learning about drugs; from depression and
grief to dealing with younger siblings. Read articles, share your
stories, play games, take quizzes and polls, watch clips of other kids
talking about their experiences, get advice from older kids, experts
and celebrities, and contribute your own comments and questions.

(Separate press releases about all of these sites are available at

Carol Snyder Dufault
Assistant Director, Online Communications, PBS
703/739-5788;  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 2002 09:59:54 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: UPDATED> The Math Goodies Newsletter

Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 10:49:58 -0400
From: Gisele Glosser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The April 15th issue of The Math Goodies Newsletter went out to
18,381 subscribers this morning. Get the latest math news and
site updates. For more information, and to join, visit:

Best wishes,
Gisele Glosser
%               Math Goodies               %
%   Your Destination For Math Education!   %
%                                          %
%        %
%       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]        %


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 2002 10:01:29 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RESOUR> [netsites]

From: "Alan S. Harrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [netsites]
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 03:47:52 -0700

"American History with a focus on Colonial and Revolutionary Philadelphia.
Washington, Betsy Ross, Jefferson, Declaration, and much more."



Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 2002 10:01:56 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> [netsites] Torah Tots

From: "Alan S. Harrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [netsites] Torah Tots
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 03:25:24 -0700

Torah Tots

"Torah for Tots - Parsha on Parade - Holidays on Parade - A series of
stories, educational material, fun and games, coloring pages for Jewish



Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 2002 10:02:23 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RESOUR> [netsites] The Louvre Museum

From: Parthiux Trestium <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [netsites] The Louvre Museum
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 04:38:46 -0700

The Louvre Museum

The Official Website of The Louvre Museum.  Learn of it's history,
collections, tours and activities, the latest news, and much more...

Parthiux Trestium - non troppix di tessum


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 2002 10:02:54 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [netsites] The Costume Gallery

From: Cherry Trease <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [netsites] The Costume Gallery
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 03:41:11 -0700

The Costume Gallery

"This is a location to enjoy the world of costume!  Over 500 webpages
and over 2,000 images of costume.  Keywords: costume, historic costume,
fashion history, Victorian fashions, Edwardian fashions, costume books, costume

designer, screen writers, Bustle, vintage clothing, 20th century
fashions, historic hairstyles, Elizabethan fashions, Halloween, sewing

Cherry Trease


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 2002 10:03:22 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [netsites] Teen Boarding Schools

From: Timothy Riage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [netsites] Teen Boarding Schools
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 03:44:48 -0700

Teen Boarding Schools

"Private boarding schools for teens including residential programs and
outdoor therapy for teenagers struggling with behavior problems and

Timothy Riage


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 2002 10:03:40 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RESOUR> [netsites] Tech Dictionary

From: Klaar Von Alle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [netsites] Tech Dictionary
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 16:23:37 -0700

Tech Dictionary

"The online dictionary at is where you will find
thousands of computer terms and technology words defined."

Klaar Von Alle


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 2002 10:04:07 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> [netsites] TeachWashington

From: Philip Lomoas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [netsites] TeachWashington
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 16:22:22 -0700


" is a public-service web site designed for students,
advisors, and others interested in becoming a teacher in the state of
Washington.  Search for teacher certification programs that will prepare
you to teach your favorite subjects.  Find campuses located in a specific
geographic area or anywhere across the state."

Philip Lomoas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 2002 10:18:19 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RESOUR> NetFirst-L: Civil War in Angola

Date:         Mon, 15 Apr 2002 10:13:12 -0400
From:         "Myers,Julia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      NetFirst-L: Civil War in Angola
To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On April 4,, representatives from UNITA and the government of Angola signed
a peace agreement.
This hopefully will bring to a close the very long-running civil war in Angola.

This NetFirst-L special mini-Hot Topic features a few of the records from
NetFirst about Angola. The records selected provide background material on
Angola, and many of sites are directly relevant to the conflict and its
effects on the people of Angola.

The diamond trade was a factor in this conflict, so you also may wish to see
the February 2001 NetFirst Hot Topic: Conflict Diamonds: Diamonds and War,
which is still available here:
(Note: This morning, 3 of the 16 links in this old Hot Topic were not
working. We'll correct those soon.)


Peace Pact Signed in Angola
Cable News Network, Inc. (CNN) presents the full text of an April 4, 2002
news article entitled "Peace Pact Signed in Angola" that was written by
Charlayne Hunter-Gualt. Hunter-Gualt reports on a peace agreement that was
signed during April 2002 in Luanda, Angola, between Uniao Nacional Para a
Independencia Total de Angola (UNITA) and the Angolan army. General Armando
da Cruz Neto, the leader of the armed forces, and General Abreu Muengo
Ukwachitembo, the chief of staff of UNITA signed the agreement. UNITA will
no longer be a liberation movement, but is to become a political party. The
death of UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi is believed to have accelerated the
signing of the peace agreement.

Peace Agreements Digital Collection: Angola: Lusaka Protocol
The United States Institute of Peace, based in Washington, D.C., presents
the full text of the "Lusaka Protocol," a treaty signed in Lusaka, Zambia,
on November 15, 1994, between the Government of the Republic of Angola and
the Uniao Nacional Para A Independencia Total De Angola (UNITA), an Angolan
rebel group. The library presents the text online as part of its Peace
Agreements Digital Collection resource. Angola, based in Houston, Texas, offers a country profile of
Angola. CountryWatch includes a map of Angola, as well as basic facts on the
country. Current news pertaining to the country is available, as is
information on the people, political history, economic conditions, and
investment climate of the country.

Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN): United Nations (UN) Office
for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA): News from Angola
Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN), a division of the United
Nations (UN) Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA),
provides current and archived news articles about Angola. The topics covered
in the articles include children's issues, ethnic relations, violence,
democracy, economic conditions, the environment, food security, human
rights, natural disasters, refugees, and peace and security. Summaries and
full-text versions of the articles are available.

Global IDP Database: Angola
The Global IDP Project of the Norwegian Refugee Council provides access to
updated news events, training materials, a database, publications, training
modules, and maps of internally displaced persons (IDPs) worldwide. As part
of the Global IDP database, the Global IDP Project provides information and
statistics about IDPs in Angola. The topics covered include causes and
background of displacement, population statistics, patterns of displacement,
freedom of movement, subsistence needs, issues of family unity, property
issues, and patterns of return and resettlement.

United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS): Angola
The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) provides mine action
assistance in the areas of humanitarian emergencies and peacekeeping
operations within the UN system. UNMAS highlights the problems posed by the
presence of land mines in Angola. There are an estimated six to seven
million land mines in Angola, and they pose a serious threat to the lives of
Angolan civilians. Information about the origin of the land mines,
international mine ban conventions that Angola has signed, the geographical
areas where land mine contamination is most prevalent, and UN strategies for
mine action in Angola is available.

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF): Office of Emergency Programs
(EMOPS): Angola
The Office of Emergency Programs (EMOPS) of the United Nations Children's
Fund (UNICEF) presents information about emergency programs that it has
conducted in Angola. Press releases, maps, and reports focusing on
humanitarian issues and emergency donations are provided. Some of the
documents are available in PDF format only.

INCORE Guide to Internet Sources on Conflict and Ethnicity in Angola
As part of its Conflict Data Service, INCORE presents a collection of
updated Internet resources relating to conflict and ethnicity in Angola. The
collection includes information from academic centers and institutes,
newsgroups, nongovernmental organizations, and news sources, as well as
articles, maps, and documents. Angola
Presents a collection of news items on the African country of Angola,
compiled as part of, a service of AllAfrica, Inc. Notes the
source, date, and title of each story and links to the full text. Links to
the home page of, as well as other related Web sites. In-Depth Specials: Democracy in America: Angola: An African Tragedy
Fueled by Oil and Diamonds  Abstract:  "Angola: an African Tragedy Fueled by
Oil and Diamonds" is a transcript, prepared by Charlayne Hunter-Gault, of a
special documentary television program entitled "The Bigger Picture," which
was produced by Cable News Network (CNN), Inc. The program originally aired
on October 8, 2000. CNN presents the transcript online. Angola supplies 8
percent of U.S. daily imports of oil, and stability in the country is
important to U.S. economic interests.

Angola Reference Center
Presents the Angola Reference Center, provided online as a service by the
Embassy of the Republic of Angola in Washington, D. C. Features a country
profile, as well as a virtual tour of through the history of Angola. Offers
access to news briefs, the Constitution, maps of Angola, recent legislation,
visa information, travel tips, and more.

Features a collection of Internet resources on Angola, compiled as part of
the Contemporary Conflicts in Africa resource of Yves Contamine. Provides
access to bibliographies, listservs, periodicals, online reference
materials, and news articles related to Angola.

Prepared by:

Julia Myers
NetFirst Assistant Managing Editor

All links were checked on April 15, 2002.

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receive NetFirst-L mailings directly?
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Date:    Mon, 15 Apr 2002 10:19:32 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: UPDATED> NetFirst-L Calendar Planner 201

Date:         Mon, 15 Apr 2002 09:22:32 -0400
From:         "Myers,Julia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      NetFirst-L Calendar Planner 201
To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The resources here are for holidays, events, and activities approximately 90
days from today.

Calendar Planner
Issue 201

Bastille Day (7/14)

Features information about the fall of the Bastille, a former prison in
Paris, which was seized by the French people in 1789, signalling the start
of the French Revolution. Profiles Captain Louis Deflue, a Swiss guard, who
was a member of the regiment responsible for the defense of the Bastille.
Offers profiles of others, including a prisoner and the governor of the

Features information for tourists on the Bastille, presented by Paris
Tourism. Explains that the Bastille was a former prison in Paris, which the
people stormed and seized in 1789, starting the French Revolution that
toppled the French king and the aristocracy. Notes that the Bastille
symbolized the power of the ancient regime. Provides information about the
current-day neighborhood where the Bastille was originally located.

France Fetes Bastille Day
Features information about Bastille Day, presented by ABC News. Bastille Day
is a national holiday in France and is celebrated on July 14th. Notes that
Bastille Day is the French symbol of the end of the Monarchy and the
beginning of the First Republic. Recounts that the Bastille was a prison in
Paris, which the people seized in 1789, at the start of the French
Revolution. Describes how Bastille Day is currently celebrated in Paris,

Gerald Ford: Birth Anniversary (7/14/1913)

Gerald R. Ford Library and Museum
The Gerald R. Ford Library is located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and the Museum
is located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The purpose of the library and the
museum is to promote interest and research in American history in the
post-World War II era with special focus on the presidency of Gerald R. Ford
(1913- ).

American Presidents: Life Portraits: Gerald R. Ford Abstract: The National
Cable Satellite Corporation (C-SPAN) presents information about U.S.
President Gerald R. Ford (1913- ) as part of an online supplement to the
"American Presidents: Life Portraits" series, which aired from March to
December 1999. The supplement offers trivia and facts about Ford's personal
life and public service. A summary of the contents of the television segment
is offered, as well as links to related materials.

Gerald R. Ford (1913- )
Features information relating to Gerald R. Ford (1913- ), the 38th president
of the United States, compiled by the Faculty of Arts at the University of
Groningen in The Netherlands. Offers access to his State of the Union
addresses. Links to the Gerald R. Ford Library and Museum.

Rembrandt: Birth Anniversary (7/15/1606)

Rembrandt House Museum Abstract: Features the Rembrandt House Museum in
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, which contains an almost complete collection of
the etchings of the Dutch painter and etcher Rembrandt (1606-1669) .
Provides images of his works, including self-portraits, landscapes, and
scenes from daily life.

Carol Gerten-Jackson presents information about the Dutch painter and etcher
Rembrandt (1606-1609). Gerten-Jackson provides a biographical sketch of the
artist, as well as images with descriptions of selected paintings by

Paintings by Rembrandt Abs
The Web Gallery of Art presents information about the Dutch painter and
etcher Rembrandt (1606-1669), whose full name was Rembrandt Harmenszoon van
Rijn. The Web Gallery provides a collection of images with descriptions of
paintings by Rembrandt. The paintings include Biblical paintings, group
portraits, portraits, and self-portraits.

Roald Amundsen: Birth Anniversary (7/16/1872)

Roald Amundsen (1872-1928)
Features a biographical sketch of the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen
(1872-1928), with information presented by Antarctic Philately. Includes a
bibliography on Amundsen.

Roald Amundsen
The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) presents information about Norwegian
explorer Roald Amundsen (1872-1928), as part of the online supplement to
"Alone on the Ice," a segment of the television documentary program "The
American Experience." In 1911 Amundsen was the first to reach the South Pole.

Roald Amundsen
Offers access to articles on Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen (1872-1928),
the first man to reach the South Pole, as part of a site on great
Norwegians, compiled by the Metropolitan News Co.

Atomic Bomb Tested: Anniversary (7/16/1945)

Bomb Is Born
The full text of an article entitled "The Bomb Is Born," by David P. Masko
is provided. The first atomic bomb was detonated at a remote desert site in
New Mexico, called Trinity. The bomb's physical effects on Hiroshima, Japan,
during World War II are highlighted.

50 Years from Trinity: Part I: Trinity Site New Mexico
Features the full text of an article entitled "Trinity Site New Mexico,"
which is part one of a series of articles on the test site of the first
atomic device in 1945 code-named Trinity, provided by the Seattle Times Co.
Discusses the ground zero site where the first atomic explosion was tested
in 1945 in southern New Mexico.

Trinity: 50 Years Later: The Nuclear Age's Blinding Dawn
Features "Trinity: 50 Years Later: The Nuclear Age's Blinding Dawn," an
article that was originally published in July 1995 and is presented online
by the "Albuquerque Journal." The article focuses on the 50th anniversary of
the detonation of the first atomic bomb. Explains that the test was
code-named Trinity and was conducted in Jornado del Muerto in New Mexico.

Mary Baker Eddy: Birth Anniversary (7/16/1821)

Mary Baker Eddy
Features a biographical sketch of Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910), the American
founder of the Christian Science Church, provided by the Longyear Museum in
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. Describes the founding of the Christian
Science system of healing and later the The Church of Christ, Scientist.

Mary Baker Eddy (MBE) Institute Abstract: Presents the Mary Baker Eddy (MBE)
Institute, a nonprofit organization in Poulsbo, Washington, that honors Mary
Baker Eddy (1821-1910), the American founder of the Christian Science
Church. Provides information about publications and offers access to
merchandise ordering details.

Mary Baker Eddy
Features information about Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910), the American founder
of the Christian Science Church. Includes information about the Mary Baker
Eddy Library in Boston, Massachusetts..

Ida B. Wells: Birth Anniversary (7/16/1862)

Ida B. Wells
The Learning Network Inc. presents a biographical sketch of Ida B. Wells
(1862-1931), an African-American journalist. In 1893, Wells organized the
first suffrage group among Black women. She also established the first
kindergarten in a Black neighborhood. Learning Network also offers lesson
plans concerning African-American history.

WebQuest: Ida B. Wells
Mary Haney offers a social studies WebQuest for middle school classes that
requires the students to research the life of African-American journalist
Ida Bell Wells (1862-1931). Wells was an early crusader for civil rights.
Haney highlights the WebQuest tasks and processes and includes an
introduction, suggested evaluation, and conclusion for the activity. Memphis
City Schools in Memphis, Tennessee, provides the WebQuest online. A WebQuest
is an inquiry-oriented activity in which the majority of the information
used by learners is taken from the Internet.

Anti-Lynching Crusade of Ida B. Wells
Discusses the anti-lynching crusade of African-American journalist Ida B.
Wells (1862-1931), provided by the Kansas Humanities Council. Highlights the
Jim Crow laws, which stripped Blacks of their rights. Details lynching, mob
violence, and Wells' crusade for racial justice.

Spain: Civil War Begins: Anniversary (7/17/1936)

For Whom the Bell Tolls: The Spanish Civil War
The Hoover Institution at Stanford University in California, features
RealAudio, streaming video, and a transcript of the March 28, 2000, program
entitled "For Whom the Bell Tolls: The Spanish Civil War," as part of its
"Uncommon Knowledge" weekly public television program. The guests on this
program are Christopher Hitchens and Ronald Radosh, who discuss the two
sides of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).

Southworth Spanish Civil War Collection Abstract: The Mandeville Special
Collections Library at the University of California at San Diego owns the
Southworth Spanish Civil War Collection. The special collection was named
for the American journalist Herbert Rutledge Southworth and contains
propaganda pamphlets, short-lived journals and newspapers of extremely
limited circulation, histories, memoirs, and books relating to the Spanish
Civil War (1936-1939).

Spanish Civil War
Spartacus Educational presents a brief overview of the Spanish Civil War
(1936-1939). The overview explains the beginning of the conflict and
explains that German political and Fuhrer Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) supported
the nationalists and the European socialists and communists supported the
Popular Front government.

Nelson Mandela: Birth Anniversary (7/18/1918)

Nelson Mandela and the Rainbow of Culture
The Nobel Foundation presents the full text of the article entitled "Nelson
Mandela and the Rainbow of Culture," by Anders Hallengren that was first
published September 11, 2001. Hallengren discusses South African President
Nelson Mandela (1918-). Mandela became the first Black president of the
country in 1994, and he negotiated the breakdown of the apartheid regime in
South Africa. He was awarded the 1993 Nobel peace prize for his efforts to
end apartheid.

Nelson Mandela provides a biographical sketch of South African President
Nelson Rohlilahla Mandela (1918- ), as part of an online project about
Robben Island, an island in Table Bay, Cape Peninsula, South Africa. highlights Mandela's childhood years, his education, his role
in the formation of the African National Congress (ANC), and his years spent
as a political prisoner on Robben Island. Selected photographs of Mandela
are available.

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
ABC News Internet Ventures presents a biographical sketch of South African
statesman and president Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (1918- ) as part of the
Newsmakers Biography section of the Reference section. The
sketch highlights Mandela's political activism, his years as a political
prisoner, and his tenure as president.

Women's Rights Convention at Seneca Falls: Anniversary (7/19/1848)

Seneca Falls Convention
Presents the 1848 scrapbook of American woman suffrage leader Elizabeth Cady
Stanton (1815-1902), which documents the Seneca Falls Convention, the first
national women's rights convention. The scrapbook is provided as part of the
American Treasures of the U.S. Library of Congress exhibition.

Seneca Falls Historical Society
Presents the Seneca Falls Historical Society, which is dedicated to the
preservation of the history of Seneca Falls and Seneca County, New York.
Highlights events and merchandise. Contains information for visitors,
including the location and the hours of operation.

Declaration of Sentiments, Seneca Falls, New York, 1848
Presents the full-text of the "Declaration of Sentiments," which was drafted
at the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention in New York regarding women's rights.
The sentiments and resolutions are provided online by the Close Up
Foundation in Alexandria, Virginia.

Prepared by:

Julia Myers
NetFirst Assistant Managing Editor

All links were checked on April 15, 2002.

Previous issues of the NetFirst Calendar Planner are available here:

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End of NET-HAPPENINGS Digest - 15 Apr 2002 - Special issue (#2002-248)

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