
Ultimately I am trying to get SIP-UA-MIP and other SIP module support into
my platform.  At the moment, the command ./configure --with-perl-modules
fails with the message

configure: error: Perl support requires --enable-shared

I have also tried
./configure --enable-shared --with-perl-modules and
./configure --enable-shared=perl --with-perl-modules
but I get the same results.

Now, this is how I got here.  I am running on a Linux FC-23 VM.
As I said I am trying to implement the SIP mibs- I am a newbie in this
arena. I wanted to run mib2c on the MIB file so I installed net-snmp-perl
package using 'dnf install net-snmp-perl'
I noticed that not everything was where I expected it in /usr/local so I
downloaded the net-snmp package to get everything.  I ran ./configure with
no parameters and then make, followed by make install.  Everything went
fine.  I copied the necessary mib files to /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs and I
was successful in getting snmptranslate to run using an OID in SIP-UA-MIB.
I then went to mib2c but that told me the same OID I specified in the
snmptranslate command was not found.  In particular it's
the sipUACfgServerTable OID.  I tried mib2c with mib2s.mfd.conf and
mib2c.iterate.conf but get the same results.

I then tried
env MIBS="+SIP-UA-MIB" mib2c -c mib2c.mfd.conf sipUACfgServerTable and got
the same results but it showed me the search path it was using and
/usr/local/share/snmp/mibs was not included.  I even tried the -I option to
mib2c but that didn't help either.  That's when I thought that this was a
problem because I installed net-snmp-perl prior to configuring and building
net-snmp.  So I removed the net-snmp-perl package, and went on to build the
net-snmp code with perl enabled.  And this is where I am.  So I guess, if
anyone can help me get the perl stuff built, and mib2c running on the SIP
MIB, I would be very grateful!

Thanks in advance for any help.

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