On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 04:41:33PM -0400, Tom Tatakis wrote:
> Now, this is how I got here.  I am running on a Linux FC-23 VM.
> As I said I am trying to implement the SIP mibs- I am a newbie in this
> arena. I wanted to run mib2c on the MIB file so I installed net-snmp-perl
> package using 'dnf install net-snmp-perl'
> I noticed that not everything was where I expected it in /usr/local so I
> downloaded the net-snmp package to get everything.

The Fedora packages do not put anythin into /use/local, that is for your
local products. You will find the mibs in /usr/share/snmp/mibs.

When you say you downloaded then net-snmp package, what du you then
mean? The Fedora source package? A Net-SNMP tar ball?

>                                                     I ran ./configure with
> no parameters and then make, followed by make install.  Everything went
> fine.  I copied the necessary mib files to /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs and I
> was successful in getting snmptranslate to run using an OID in SIP-UA-MIB.
> I then went to mib2c but that told me the same OID I specified in the
> snmptranslate command was not found.  In particular it's
> the sipUACfgServerTable OID.  I tried mib2c with mib2s.mfd.conf and
> mib2c.iterate.conf but get the same results.

What command(s) exactly did you use for snmptranslate and mib2c?

> I then tried
> env MIBS="+SIP-UA-MIB" mib2c -c mib2c.mfd.conf sipUACfgServerTable and got
> the same results but it showed me the search path it was using and
> /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs was not included.  I even tried the -I option to
> mib2c but that didn't help either.

The -I option to mib2c is about finding the mib2c.*.conf files. The set
the mib search patch you must use the MIBDIRS envitronment variable, or
the mibdirs parameter in an snmp.conf file.

Are you sure that when you started installing your locally compiled
version, that you had removed any traces of your distributions net-snmp


Niels Baggesen - @home - Ã…rhus - Denmark - n...@users.sourceforge.net
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