On Thu, 2005-05-26 at 19:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>    Could you possibly explain why an snmpbulkwalk command
> would work on my MIB when the non-repeater value is set to 1
> and fail when not set at all?

Not really, no.
I thought Robert was looking into that?

I was just commenting on the higher-level issues.

>  As my original email specified, if a snmpbulkwalk is done on one of
> my tables I get: No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past
> the end of the MIB tree) If the -Cn1 is set then no such problem.

What if you try with '-Cn2' ?
Does it make any difference if there's an odd or even number
of rows in the table?

It might also be worth trying with 'snmpbulkget' rather
than 'snmpbulkwalk', and manually walking a single
column of the table.


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