It looks like the snmp agent is not starting because of the following
error which I see in the debug logs

verbose:udpEndpointTable:udpEndpointTable_container_init: called

verbose:socket:buffer: Original server send buffer is 111616

verbose:socket:buffer: New server send buffer size is smaller than

verbose:socket:buffer: Original server receive buffer is 111616

verbose:socket:buffer: New server receive buffer size is smaller than

Error opening specified endpoint ""

Server Exiting with code 1

Again, any help will be much appreciated.






        From: Mitul Sen (misen) 
        Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 6:48 PM
        To: ''
        Subject: Cannot start snmpd agent

        I am new to snmp and net-snmp and am trying to go through
tutorials to set up an snmp agent

        I configured the agent but am not able to start snmpd. When I
run the following command, it does not seem to do anything and continues
to run forever unless I explicitly kill the snmpd process

                [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/work/snmp/net-snmp-$ sudo
snmpd -Le -C -c /usr/local/share/snmp/snmpd.conf :10161
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/work/snmp/net-snmp-$ NET-SNMP version

                [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/work/snmp/net-snmp-$ ps
-eaf|grep snmp

                root 8855 1 0 18:29 ? 00:00:00 snmpd -Le -C -c
/usr/local/share/snmp/snmpd.conf :10161

                misen 8858 5926 0 18:31 pts/2 00:00:00 grep snmp

        If I try to start the agent using the following command, the
snmp agent does not start. 

                [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/work/snmp/net-snmp-$

                [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/work/snmp/net-snmp-$ ps
-eaf|grep snmp

                misen 8863 5926 0 18:33 pts/2 00:00:00 grep snmp

        What am I doing wrong? How can I figure out whats going on?

        Any help will be much appreciated.

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