On Thu, 2009-01-08 at 12:31 -0800, Mike Ayers wrote:
> > From: Larry Brown [mailto:larry.br...@dimensionnetworks.com] 
> > Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2009 11:26 AM
> > Hello all, I've read a number of articles around on snmp and have a
> > fundamental theory going as to how this works at a macro 
> > level but need
> > some confirmation.  Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
> > 
> > As I understand it the part of the OID that is returned depends on its
> > existence in the MIB.
>       There is no "part of the OID".  OIDs (object identifiers) are atomic.
> >  I examined a couple of MIB's and none 
> > of them do
> > more than relate an explanation of what the particular OID 
> > provides and
> > in what format it provides it. (along with name resolution 
> > for the OID)
>       That is all that a MIB does.  It is an opaque interface description.
> > What I expected was some way of describing to the snmpd agent where to
> > get the value to return.
>       The information may be in a different place on every different system 
> that supports the MIB.  For each, a subagent must be provided which responds 
> to the get, set, etc. queries and returns or changes the data as needed.
>       HTH,
> Mike

Thanks Mike.  So for instance net-snmp comes with an MIB for Fedora in
Fedora's location of /usr/share/snmp/mibs that is the only one with (for
instance) hrSWInstalled. (HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.txt::hrSWInstalled)  So can
I assume that this MIB and the ones it includes are comprehensive for
anything my version net-snmp would support?  My first inclination would
be that it wouldn't be, begging the question where can I find such a
comprehensive list for my version of net-snmp?



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