On Fri, 2009-01-09 at 08:37 +0000, Dave Shield wrote:

> >> > What I expected was some way of describing to the snmpd agent where to
> >> > get the value to return.
> That tends to be hard-coded into the agent (or subagent) binary.

This is what I deduced but couldn't find a description that stated it.

> >               where can I find such a
> > comprehensive list for my version of net-snmp?
>    README.agent-mibs
> Note that like any documentation, it's not necessarily fully accurate and
> up-to-date.   And it won't include any additional subagents or extensions
> that you might have configured.
>    But this is likely to be the most informative description for any given
> version of the agent.
> Dave

This is also in line with what I was thinking as well.  I just didn't
know this file existed.  I take it from the lack of description out
there that most people just cut and paste from the example mibs and
leave it at that... 

Anyway, you guys have been a great source of information and I can now
start monkeying at will ...  I'm sure I'll be back :)


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