On 1 February 2010 21:18, Bowers Mike-cmb004
<michael.bow...@motorola.com> wrote:
> I've tried for the last couple of hours in vain to get the snmptrap command
> line utility to work.  I'm using verision 5.5 on Windows.  I'm able to run
> the snmptrapd utility and am able to send traps to it successfully from a
> mib browser.  The MIB I'm using for the trap is the one that is given in the
> tutorial at the netsnmp site.  However, when I try to send traps from the
> command line using snmptrap I see no errors, but the snmptrapd console shows
> nothing either.  All the other utils seem to work except snmptrap.  Any
> pointers?

Perhaps you could give us some details about what exactly you've tried.
"I try to send traps from the command line" is a bit vague.

Please post::
    - the trap-related settings from snmpd.conf
    - the snmptrap command(s) that you have been trying
    - the snmptrapd.conf settings

Maybe then we might be able to suggest what could be wrong.


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