[ First - *please* don't mail me privately, without copying
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On 3 February 2010 03:01, Bowers Mike-cmb004
<michael.bow...@motorola.com> wrote:
> My setup is as follows - I have two command prompts open on a windows PC.
> In one I'm running snmptrapd using the command "snmptrapd -Lo -a 

So the trap receiver is listening on this address (and this address only).

> I've created the sample MIB referenced in the tutorial docs as follows:


> In a second command prompt I'm trying to send traps using the following 
> command
> from the tutorial at 
> http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/TUT:snmptrap:
> snmptrap -v 1 -c public host UCD-TRAP-TEST-MIB::demotraps "" 6 17 "" 
> SNMPv2-MIB::sysLocation.0 s "Just here"

That looks about right.

> When I do this nothing happens - no errors in the sending window, nothing on
> the receiving command prompt window.

What are you using for "host" in this command?

>  However, if I load the same MIB contents in to iReasoning, and use it to
> send the trap, I see the trap received in the command prompt running
> the snmptrapd command.

Which indicates that the receiver is working fine.
So the problem is most likely at the sending side.

> I'm sure there's a simple setup somewhere that I've overlooked
> but I haven't found anything yet that has pointed me in the right direction.

The one thing that springs to mind is to make sure that the
destination specified on the snmptrap command line matches
the address that the receiver is listening on.

If that doesn't fix it, try running both receiver and sender with the
flag '-d', to dump the raw packets.   What do you see on either side?


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