Hi Dave and All:
 Send trap problem was fixed,use a new routine.Thank you!
         snmp_alarm_register(5,     /* seconds */
            0,      /* repeat (every 10 seconds).here,the value is 0,can send 
the trap immediately! */  
            send_uitJBODPowerATraps_trap,      /* our callback */
            NULL    /* no callback data needed */);
Another question,I use tools mib2c.iterate.conf mib2c.scalar.conf and 
mib2c.notify.conf get all my generate code,now the init_uit() got all the data 
rightly,but all the data was the time when they was got,not the newest,if I 
modified some of the device parameters,I couldnot got the update data,That's 
not the way I required it ,I want to the init_uit routine can get data 
periodically,so I can get the newest data.Would you give me some hits?
 Thank you,Dave!as usual.
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