On 3 August 2010 10:34, Yongting Lin <lyongt...@casachina.com.cn> wrote:
>    As in this situation, can register a peridoical alarm to monitor the
> condition, and send traps if condition changed?  or project-specified code(A
> daemon in pratical program) act as a subagent to snmpd, and invokde
> send_v2trap function to send traps when itself detects some condition
> changed?
> Is my thought feasible?

Yes - that should work.

Is the condition that you are monitoring covered by an existing MIB object?
If so, then you should be able to use the DisMan Event MIB support to
handle this already, without needing to write any new code at all.

See the relevant section in the snmpd.conf man page.


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