------------------ Original ------------------
  From:  "Dave Shield"<d.t.shi...@liverpool.ac.uk>;
 Date:  Tue, Aug 3, 2010 04:42 PM
 To:  "Alexander King"<new...@foxmail.com>; 
 Cc:  "net-snmp-users"<net-snmp-users@lists.sourceforge.net>; 
 Subject:  Re: net-snmp init_XXX() get data periodically( or cyclic ) problem

 On 3 August 2010 09:04, Alexander King <new...@foxmail.com> wrote:
> I want to the init_uit routine can get data periodically
The "init_xxx"  routine is called *once* to set up the module,
when the agent first starts  That's what the word initialise means.
It will not be called repeatedly, and is not the right place to
handle (re-)loading data.
 >>if so,How can I deal with this situation???I need more information ^_^
> Would you give me some hits?
Look at using the cache helper.
If you run 'mib2c -Scache=1  mib2c.iterate.conf   myTable'
 >>sys-man mibs # mib2c -Scache=1 mib2c.iterat.conf uit
no variable specified for -S flag. at /usr/local/bin/mib2c line 96.
sys-man mibs #

 I use net-snmp
then this should generate a suitable template.
I don't think the scalar mib2c template has a similar option,
but you can always apply the same techniques there.
As regards generating notifications, it would probably be
more sensible to either pass the relevant data into the
routine that generates the trap.   Or else have this routine
refresh the cached data itself.
 >> Yes,I have another routine to do this,and this routine get data is the 
 >> newest,can call the function sent trap immediately when the data changed.
There's no point in re-loading the data just in case the
agent might possibly need to send a trap
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