On 6 August 2010 10:52, Alexander King <new...@foxmail.com> wrote:
> is it the meaning use "mib2c -S cache=-1 -c mib2c.iterate.conf uit"

You are confusing different things.

The command to generate the code template would be
    mib2c -S cache=1  mib2c.iterate.conf uit

Here the value '1' means "include the code for a local cache"
(as opposed to '0' which means "don't include any cache code")

What Kathy was referring to is the value used for the cache timeout
(which is specified as part of registering the cache handler).

   This is normally a timeout in seconds, and the agent will use values
from the cache until the cache is that many seconds old.   At which
point the next request will trigger a reload of the cache with a new
set of values, which will then be used for the next N seconds.

However if this cache timeout has the special value -1,
then this indicates that the cache should *always* be regarded
as "out-of-date", and hence every single request will trigger a
   This will obviously be somewhat timeconsuming and inefficient,
hence it's not something that we would recommend.   But if you
do insist on re-loading the data every time (and can accept the
increased load), that's how you could do it.

But I *strongly* suggest you experiment with small (non-negative)
timeout values first.


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