On 25 August 2010 10:45, AC. <achuan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The cause I change the question suddenly is
> 1. My tables are big sometimes.
> 2. When the table B was the big one and I wanna get table A,
>     it wastes time and resource to get a *BIG* table B that I don't neet it.

If your tables are big, then I *strongly* suggest you use
a more efficient approach than the iterate helper.

Personally, I tend to go for the table_data helper,
together with a local cache.   Robert would probably
advise you to use the MfD framework.
(And although I don't like it myself, this should also
work more sensibly in this situation).

But bear in mind that although a walk of table A will trigger
a query for the next OID supported by the agent, this won't
involve walking the *whole* of table B.  There should only
ever be one value returned from table B (being the value
immediately following the last entry of the last column of
table A).
  So it should be a one-time overhead of loading the
data, plus a single pass through the get_first/next hooks,
and one invocation of the table B handler (for one column value).

If this continues to be an issue, you could always tweak
the MIB to define a scalar object lying in between the two tables.
So walking off the end of table A would retrieve this
buffering scalar value, rather than loading table B.


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