Thanks for Dave's advice for security, I would fix the problem later.

Now the first priority is to make snmpd work and get it load  the *.so

I runned snmpconf, and created the snmp.conf and snmpd.conf and restart the
snmpd in /usr/local/sbin/snmpd with -f -Le option,
It still complains about access control information like the following:

Warning: no access control information configured.
  (Config search path:
  It's unlikely this agent can serve any useful purpose in this state.
  Run "snmpconf -g basic_setup" to help you configure the snmpd.conf file
for this agent.
NET-SNMP version 5.6.1

and "snmpdget -v2c -c public localhost sysDescr.0" doesn't get any response.

I attatched the configuration file created by snmpconf , is there any
problem with that?

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 1:53 AM, Ashwin Kumar <>wrote:

> Ok, So much information in your response. :-)
> Will take care of it.
> Cheers,
> On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 11:15 PM, Dave Shield 
> <>wrote:
>> On 16 February 2011 17:21, Ashwin Kumar <> wrote:
>> > Yes, you are correct.
>> > I was just trying to explain what must get into snmpd.conf file.
>> > But, that was just my example.
>> Fair enough.
>> But you didn't say it was an example - you said
>> >   [snmpd.conf] *must* look like
>> >
>> > rocommunity public
>> > rwcommunity private
>>                                        [my emphasis].
>> Which is both wrong - and dangerously so.
>> The snmpd.conf file "must" contain at least one of:
>>    rocommunity
>>    rwcommunity
>>    rouser
>>    rwuser
>>                 (with a corresponding 'createUser' line in
>> /var/net-snmp/snmpd.conf)
>> or
>>    view/group/access  (plus either com2sec or createUser)
>> i.e. at least one access control entry configured.
>> See snmpd.conf(5) for the full details.
>> But it doesn't have to contain any write support whatsoever.
>> > Yeah, I would not suggest anyone to do it. I understand the
>> > complexities of having poor, easily guessed name in the .conf.
>> Excepot that you *did* suggest that Anthony did exactly this.
>> If you want to suggest a simple access control config,
>> then
>>         rocommunity public
>> is reasonable, simple and functional.
>> It might reveal something of your local setup to the world at large,
>> but it's unlikely that this would cause too much damage.
>> But please *NEVER* suggest that people use "rwcommunity"
>> unless you *know* that:
>>    a)  they need SET support
>>    b)  they cannot use SNMPv3
>>    c)  they understand the implications
>> For simply getting started, read-only access is more than sufficient.
>> Dave
> --
> -- Ashwin Kumar
> +91-974-054-7793
> (Sent from my iPad)

Best Wishes,
姜 宇 <>
Anthony Jiang <>

Attachment: snmp.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: snmpd.conf
Description: Binary data

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