On 29 September 2011 16:41, <ali.br...@selex-comms.com> wrote:
> The odd thing is that if I do an snmp Get request on my Agent on sysUpTime the
> correct time ticks value is returned i.e how long my Master Agent has been 
> running.

> The unusual timeticks value seems to be only occurring when sending Traps.
> I'm a bit confused that the two values are so different.

Remember that the sysUpTime value included in the notification is the length
of time that the SNMP engine sending the trap has been running.
That last bit is significant - the uptime is associated with a running process,
not the host as a whole.

If you are generating a trap from within the agent, then the SNMP engine that
generates the notification is the same engine that responds to GET requests.
So the sysUpTime value within the trap ought to match the value returned from
querying the agent.

But if you are generating a trap from within a separate application -
a "one-shot" application (such as snmptrap),  then it's much less clear what
the sysUpTime value should be.   Strictly speaking, it should probably be the
length of time that this particular application has been running -
which may well
be a fraction of a second.   But that's not really very useful
(particularly since it
also implies that the engine ID and/or boot count should be updated every time).
So an alternative, pragmatic approach, would be to designate the whole host
as the "generating SNMP engine), and use the host uptime.

    But it's certainly not automatic that sending traps from a
separate application
will necessarily use the same sysUpTime as that of an SNMP agent running on
the same host.


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