On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 8:56 AM, <ali.br...@selex-comms.com> wrote:

> Fulko,
> I understand your point that a LinkUp trap needs the additional  ifIndex
> varbind. I didn't understand why the example I had been given by Bart also
> contained a sysDescr var-bind. My point is that I wish to send an enterprise
> specific trap that contains no additional var-binds. How do I do this? The
> following line is unsuccessful:
> :\Perl\bin\perl -e "use SNMP; $SNMP::verbose=1; $SNMP::debugging=2;
> $SNMP::dump_packet=1; my $session = new SNMP::TrapSession(Community =>
> \"public\", Port => 162, Version => \"2c\"); $session->trap(oid =>
> \"\" );
> This line results in a trap being sent - Why do I need to put in some
> var-bind when I don't want to ???

hm... I don't know, perhaps someone else can answer this one.  Just for
laughs I tried sending it as a
V1 trap with no varbind, and it worked.

>  :\Perl\bin\perl -e "use SNMP; $SNMP::verbose=1; $SNMP::debugging=2;
> $SNMP::dump_packet=1; my $session = new SNMP::TrapSession(Community =>
> \"public\", Port => 162, Version => \"2c\"); $session->trap(oid =>
> \"\", [[sysLocation,0,\"Here\"]]  );
> My other point is that the call to SNMP::sys_uptime() is actually coming
> from the trap subroutine in the SNMP.pm perl module not from my own code.
> This does not seem to be obtaining the correct value of sysUpTime. e.g.
> After running my agent for only a minute, the snmptrapd output displays this
> as 391 days or so.

I tried your example on my system, and it provided me an up-time value of
which (because its in hundreths of a second works out to be 5.5 days, which
when I check
is how long my Net-SNMP master agent has been running.  Not _my_ sub-agent,
but the master agent.
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