Julu Twine and Alan Dojoji: The Missing Files:


Julu Twine:

2021-05-14 [16:34:03] Logged in as Julu Twine.
2021-05-14 [16:34:04] #Firestorm LSL Bridge v2.25:
2021-05-14 [16:34:05] Inventory update completed.
2021-05-14 [16:39:13] Julu Twine: distinctions between analog
and digital domains "at the limits"; then it segues into issues
of the body in relation to the digital, and a consideration of
"failure" as fundamental to philosophy and theory in general.
The topics resonate with each other, shift back and forth. The
style is somewhat related to Wittgenstein, to aphorisms, to the
Buddhist Therigatha (nuns' testimonies), to Zen Koans; I am
influenced by early Kristeva and Irigaray, as well as Alphonso
Lingis and others who focus on the body and semiosis perhaps in
a problematic relation to cyborg prosthetics - in other words,
the witnessing and phenonenology of the body, not as an element
of techne, but as an interalized and politicized flow which is,
among other things, a problem within and without a digital - or
rather the digital can be seen as a carapace or virus in
relation to the body.

2021-05-14 [16:39:48] Julu Twine: i have nothing
2021-05-14 [16:40:40] Julu Twine: where are you now? are you
from alan?
2021-05-14 [16:40:45] Julu Twine: are you made of alan?
2021-05-14 [16:40:48] Julu Twine: are you stuff of alan?
2021-05-14 [16:41:16] Julu Twine: are you stuff of julu?
2021-05-14 [16:41:22] Julu Twine: are you made of julu?
2021-05-14 [16:41:27] Julu Twine: come again?
2021-05-14 [16:41:48] Julu Twine: can you hear me?
2021-05-14 [16:42:00] Julu Twine: FAILED
2021-05-14 [16:42:02] Julu Twine: FAILED
2021-05-14 [16:42:52] Julu Twine: where are you?
2021-05-14 [16:42:56] Julu Twine: where are you?
2021-05-14 [16:43:00] Julu Twine:  are you julu?
2021-05-14 [16:43:06] Julu Twine: are you made of julu?
2021-05-14 [16:43:07] Julu Twine: FAILED
2021-05-14 [16:43:10] Julu Twine: FAILED
2021-05-14 [16:43:26] Julu Twine: I DO NOT HEAR YOU
2021-05-14 [16:43:47] Julu Twine: FAILED FAILED
2021-05-14 [16:43:53] Julu Twine: FAILED FAILED
2021-05-14 [16:43:57] Julu Twine: I DO NOT HEAR YOU
2021-05-14 [16:44:19] Julu Twine: I have nothing
2021-05-14 [16:44:22] Julu Twine: FAILED
2021-05-14 [16:44:43] Julu Twine: FAILED

Alan Dojoji:

2021-05-14 [16:36:53] Alan Dojoji: where are you?
2021-05-14 [16:36:53] Julu Twine: The Resident you messaged is
in 'busy mode' which means they have requested not to be
disturbed.  Your message will still be shown in their IM panel
for later viewing.
2021-05-14 [16:36:58] Julu Twine: I am in region Odyssey. Where
are you?
2021-05-14 [16:39:05] Alan Dojoji: where are you no image no
2021-05-14 [16:39:14] Julu Twine: I am in region Odyssey, how
about you.
2021-05-14 [16:39:35] Alan Dojoji: where are you where are you
2021-05-14 [16:39:40] Julu Twine: I am in region Odyssey, how
about you.
2021-05-14 [16:42:26] Alan Dojoji: distinctions between analog
and digital domains "at the limits"; then it segues into issues
of the body in relation to the digital, and a consideration of
"failure" as fundamental to philosophy and theory in general.
The topics resonate with each other, shift back and forth. The
style is somewhat related to Wittgenstein, to aphorisms, to the
Buddhist Therigatha (nuns' testimonies), to Zen Koans; I am
influenced by early Kristeva and Irigaray, as well as Alphonso
Lingis and others who focus on the body and semiosis perhaps in
a problematic relation to cyborg prosthetics - in other words,
the witnessing and phenonenology of the body, not as an element
of techne, but as an interalized and politicized flow which is,
among other things, a problem within and without a digital - or
rather the digital can be seen as a carapace or virus in
relation to the body.
2021-05-14 [16:42:34] Julu Twine: Who are you talking about?
Good reasoning.  What does "it" refer to? Tell me more. Tell me
more. Do you mean your name isinfluenced by early Kristeva and
Irigaray as well as Alphonso Lingis and others who focus on the
body and semiosis perhaps in a problematic relation to cyborg
prosthetics in other words the witnessing and phenonenology of
the body not as an element of techne but as an interalized and
politicized flow which is among other things a problem within
and without a digital or rather the digital can be seen as a
carapace or virus in relation to the body.
2021-05-14 [16:42:37] Alan Dojoji: where are you?
2021-05-14 [16:42:41] Alan Dojoji: where are you?
2021-05-14 [16:42:43] Julu Twine: I am in region Odyssey. Where
are you?
2021-05-14 [16:42:46] Alan Dojoji: are you julu?
2021-05-14 [16:42:52] Julu Twine: I am in region Odyssey. Where
are you?
2021-05-14 [16:43:01] Julu Twine: I don't know whether or not I
am julu.
I am a Electronic Brain.


Alan Sondheim: I am not.




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