And finally an unseemly plea to anyone who has not yet voted...

Please do vote now, here (on your smart

We know YOU know what great digital art looks like!
So your vote matters as well as any feedback you can give us about the
voting process.

See below for more details about the project.

Thank you!

:) Ruth

View this email in your browser

On the *14th of August 2021*, we launched the *CultureStake* collective
cultural decision-making app
a live voting event with hundreds of people in
a hot and sunny Finsbury Park.
Furtherfield Gallery. Photo: Hydar Dewachi ®

You too can now experience collective cultural decision making using
the *CultureStake
app* by:


   Heading over to the *Furtherfield Gallery* in *Finsbury Park* or clicking
   this link
   the exhibition website.

   Providing your *email address* so we can send you a *magical voting

   Viewing all *3 digital artworks* currently on display on the *People’s
   Park Plinth*. (Either go to Furtherfield Gallery and scan the QR codes
   and follow them around the park or click the links on the website and
   experience the remote versions)

   Activating your *magical voting token* when it arrives by email *(within
   24 hours)*

   Using the *CultureStake app* to express your opinions on the artworks.




*CultureStake* *app* preview for the People's Park Plinth (August 2021)


At *CultureStake* we want to:


   End elitism around the arts - by opening cultural decision making to
   wider groups and providing more agency to communities.

   Enable people to have a stake in what cultural activities get produced
   in their locality

   Explore together as communities what cultural experiences we want to
   have in the places that matter to us.

Furtherfield Gallery. Photo: Hydar Dewachi ®


*CultureStake* is a web app for community decision making around culture:

*For Communities *

We *create* an *appetite* for culture by encouraging communities to explore
and learn together what we want to experience in our localities. For
example, how might a theatre audience cast a play differently or a park
community curate a public art exhibition?

*For Cultural Organisations *

We *facilitate* a deeper and richer, more open consultation with the
communities cultural organisations work for. For example, a city council
might need to find out which new artwork should occupy a recently vacated
public plinth. Or an arts organisation might need to know which artist on
their shortlist should be next summer’s blockbuster.

*For All *

We *create data commons* that widens the conversation about how art is
valued by different communities around the world.



*A Portfolio of Cultural Communities *

Over time we aim to add *thousands of cultural experiences* to the
portfolio* in league with other cultural communities. Cultural
organisations can add to this with new artist commissions or pick from the
portfolio. This will allow artists and arts organisations to explore and
test new ideas in new contexts and enable projects to be easily picked up
in different locations with different communities.

*Vote Weighting For People in Places*

Any *voting event* can apply vote weighting in a number of different
scenarios. This means for example, that those closest to the issues can
have their vote weighted to mean more overall. For instance, local votes
might be given more weight in an international selection process for a new
public artwork.

For more about CultureStake see our website
 and FAQs

Furtherfield is a Not-for-Profit Company Limited by Guarantee

Registered in England and Wales under the Company No.7005205.

Registered business address: Carbon Accountancy, 80-83 Long Lane, London,
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