last week my copy of "frankenstein reanimated" arrived & i immediately turned to page 175 and read patrick lichty's interview with salvatore, about "la cura", the collaborative artistic project to open source a cure for the brain cancer that he had just been diagnosed with (the interview was made in 2012).

salvatore died a couple of weeks ago, on 18 july. has this sad news already come through on netbehaviour? maybe i missed it ... i am remembering salvatore's smile and laugh, his warmth and generosity; and the cyberformance that myself, francesco buonaiuto and miljana perić created for "la cura" (which was only performed once, for salvatore & oriana, in 2012 or 13 & now exists only as fragments on my hard drive).

r.i.p. salvatore - i am glad to have known you!

h <3


helen varley jamieson
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