Hi Helen and all,

I was hoping someone other than myself was going to say something about 
Salvatore on the list. Mainly because I'm not well enough at the moment to 
write about something so important. Sure, posting and doing small energy things 
on platforms such as Twitter etc is different than writing something special. 
There is a general and very interesting piece of text saying goodbye on 
Oriana's Facebook page which I'll post here.

We showed the work "la cura" at three different venues, and I'm glad his 
interview with Patrick is in the "frankenstein reanimated" book, it reflects a 
solid reference to his presence with Furtherfield. I'll also be featuring 
Salvatore & Oriana in my other book next year about 25 years of Furtherfield, 
which was what my PhD was all about. That'll be exciting.

Ruth and I loved Salvatore's intelligence, experimentation and positivity. It 
was infectious, generous and addictive. The combination of Salvatore & Oriana 
together, is a playful wildness I will miss. I hope to meet Oriana in the near 

It is especially concerning regarding Salvatore's battle with cancer, because 
as many know on here, I've had my own troubles with cancer and nearly died 
myself. I'm just so glad that I am alive, and able to share with others his 
fantastic spirit in my own way.

Goodbye Salvatore, we'll never forget you - you're still with us now.


DR Marc Garrett | Exploring Class in Post-digital Cultures and making art real 
- https://marcgarrett.org/

Furtherfield | Disrupts & democratises art and technology through exhibitions, 
labs & debate for deep exploration, free tools & open thinking. 
DECAL | Decentralised Arts Lab is an art, blockchain & web 3.0 technologies 
research hub for fairer, more dynamic & connected cultural ecologies & 
economies now - http://decal.is/

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------- Original Message -------
On Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022 at 9:21 AM, Helen Varley Jamieson 
<he...@creative-catalyst.com> wrote:

> last week my copy of "frankenstein reanimated" arrived & i immediately turned 
> to page 175 and read patrick lichty's interview with salvatore, about "la 
> cura", the collaborative artistic project to open source a cure for the brain 
> cancer that he had just been diagnosed with (the interview was made in 2012).
> salvatore died a couple of weeks ago, on 18 july. has this sad news already 
> come through on netbehaviour? maybe i missed it ... i am remembering 
> salvatore's smile and laugh, his warmth and generosity; and the cyberformance 
> that myself, francesco buonaiuto and miljana perić created for "la cura" 
> (which was only performed once, for salvatore & oriana, in 2012 or 13 & now 
> exists only as fragments on my hard drive).
> r.i.p. salvatore - i am glad to have known you!
> h <3
> --
> helen varley jamieson
> he...@creative-catalyst.com
> http://www.creative-catalyst.com
> http://www.upstage.org.nz
> [https://mobilise-demobilise.eu](https://mobilise-demobilise.eu/)
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