I don't like this work. too easy. Provocation is a good attitude for Art 
dating from the twentieth century. Edouard Manet'work was the suggestion 
of lust.
here no suggestion. just porn.


O.Brody & K.Paetau a écrit :
> Hommage to Edouard Manet
> Video, 3 min. 39 sec.
> The video shows on the left screen the finished montage with contemporary 
> czech porn actors animating the classical painting by Edouard Manet which 
> forms the backdrop of the scene. On the right screen the shooting of the 
> video in a blue box is displayed, showing the set with the 2 
> cameramen-directors dressed and painted in blue. The phonetically repeated 
> french dialogues of the actors add to the awkwardness of their performance 
> and to the disconcerting atmosphere of the work.
> We invite you to watch & criticize the video online:
> http://brodypaetau.com/?page_id=9
> You can also buy this work online:
> http://brodypaetau.com/?page_id=135
> Warm regards, Ondrej Brody & Kristofer Paetau

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