Julian Oliver: The New Arena Paintings, Hannah Maclure Centre

15 February - 30 April 2010

Preview 12 February, 4pm

Abstract Expressionist painters have long explored strategies for decoupling
gestural habit and tendency in their work by means of automatic or 
operations. This exhibition by New Zealand born, Berlin-based, artist Julian
Oliver represents a new strategy along this vein, deploying a computer 
game as
canvas, paint and brush.

Generated by four software agents in combat in a virtual arena, these new
paintings by Oliver mark a significant evolution of his 2003 game based 
system, ioq3aPaint. Here, each agent is purposed as a kind of digital brush;
every twitch, lunge and change of state registered immediately as a graphic

Of the 36 million paintings that will be generated in the duration of the
exhibition, a total of just 250 small prints will be made freely available,
alongside the source code of the system.

A number of large prints selected by Oliver from earlier iterations of the
process will be displayed in the gallery. Each print is made using a
photographic printing method and mounted on substrate of the highest 



-- Julian Oliver home: New Zealand based: Berlin, Germany currently: 
Dundee, Scotland about: http://julianoliver.com
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