Hi - What I'm confused about here - hasn't this been worked over, say by 
Daniel Buren's Five Texts or the group BPMT (Buren, Parmentier, Mosset, 
Toroni) in the 70s? There's always been a dialectic, sometimes dialog, 
between painting as conservative and overdetermined, and more open 
approaches such as Warhol, etc. On one hand, there's money involved in 
connoisseurship at stake (as well as artschool painting departments at 
times); on the other, there's real dissatisfaction with this. The shift 
has been from painting as a traditionally-determined modernist object, to 
painting as contestation, and from a set of consensual attributes to 
Wittgensteinian language-gaming. (Buren, who was influenced by Barthes, 
was central here (not to mention Derrida's work on deconstruction and 
painting).) Add cultural studies into the mix, and the habitus comes into 
play - painting as a mobile term within the discursive formation of "art" 
(which has also been overdetermined, etc.).

- Alan
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