Murdoch's latest move.

Just received this from this from the 38 Degrees team.

This post is only for those in the UK, as well as those who are 
concerned regarding Murdoch creeping further into dominating our 
culture, especially the Internet....


Dear marc,

Rupert Murdoch is about to increase his stranglehold on the UK's media 
by taking complete control of BSkyB. He currently owns 40% and is trying 
to up that to 100%. This would be a disaster. It would give Murdoch even 
more political influence and could open the doors to biased, right-wing 
news reporting, like Fox News in the US. Together we can stop him.

Vince Cable has the power to stop Murdoch's plan. As Business Secretary, 
he's got 17 working days to call the deal in for a review. [1] If enough 
of us stand up to Murdoch and build a big enough petition, we can 
persuade Cable to block the takeover. But the clock's ticking - we have 
just 3 weeks to get him to act.

Take 30 seconds to sign our "Vince stand up to Murdoch" petition now:

Murdoch thinks he has this deal sewn up. There are plenty of people in 
government who owe him big favours after his papers backed them during 
the election. Add to that the full force of Murdoch's media empire and 
you can be sure that Vince Cable will be feeling the pressure to cave in.

We need to outweigh that pressure with people power. Thousands of us 
need to tell Vince Cable to stand up to Murdoch.

38 Degrees members have been challenging Rupert Murdoch's ambitions in 
the UK for months. Last year we fought his attacks on the BBC. During 
the election we spoke out against his scaremongering about a hung 
parliament and voting reform. Sky News' Kay Burley told us during the 
election that we should just "go home and watch it on Sky News". [2] We 
didn't then, and we don't have to now as Murdoch tries to tighten his 
grip on the UK.

Click here to sign our petition to Vince Cable:

Thanks for getting involved,

David, Hannah, Johnny and the 38 Degrees team.




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