On 22/11/11 15:11, Simon Biggs wrote:
> The story below indicates things move fast, are not always reported
> accurately and that people sometimes find themselves in impossible

The original reports have been confirmed by multiple eye witnesses and
multiple video recordings.

> positions. Nevertheless, they should take responsibility. Perhaps

The chancellor's taking of responsibility appears to be purely a verbal
rather than a moral act.

> something good will come out of this horrible mess, if the UC system
> ends up changing its regulations on campus policing?

That would be a good outcome. As would a fourth amendment case against
the university that will establish actual discouragements for chemically
assaulting peacefully protesting students rather than just a temporary
change in regulations that can be rolled back as soon as the current
intake graduate.

I don't disagree that engaging with the students might be more
productive than refusing to engage with their attackers. But this is a
situation where anyone who can bring pressure to bear on the university
administration *now* rather than in six months time should strongly
consider doing so.

- Rob.
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