A good outcome would be if the two cops, and perhaps the person who ordered 
them to use the chemical, could be brought up on assault charges, not just 
suspended with pay, which is an insult to the students.
In a democracy, or what's left of it, non-violent protestors need legal 
protection from the police, which, as we see, doesn't exist.
I hear nothing of Congress even recognizing what's going on, much less 
considering writing laws to protect the innocent.
I hope, like with the Occupy Movement, this is the beginning of "change we can 
believe in," the theme that got Obama elected, but hasn't happened.  

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Rob Myers 
  To: netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 10:36 AM
  Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] UCDavis events

  On 22/11/11 15:11, Simon Biggs wrote:
  > The story below indicates things move fast, are not always reported
  > accurately and that people sometimes find themselves in impossible

  The original reports have been confirmed by multiple eye witnesses and
  multiple video recordings.

  > positions. Nevertheless, they should take responsibility. Perhaps

  The chancellor's taking of responsibility appears to be purely a verbal
  rather than a moral act.

  > something good will come out of this horrible mess, if the UC system
  > ends up changing its regulations on campus policing?

  That would be a good outcome. As would a fourth amendment case against
  the university that will establish actual discouragements for chemically
  assaulting peacefully protesting students rather than just a temporary
  change in regulations that can be rolled back as soon as the current
  intake graduate.

  I don't disagree that engaging with the students might be more
  productive than refusing to engage with their attackers. But this is a
  situation where anyone who can bring pressure to bear on the university
  administration *now* rather than in six months time should strongly
  consider doing so.

  - Rob.
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