Hi all,

James Fallows wrote an interesting article linked to the UC Davis police 

wishing you well.


The Moral Power of an Image: UC Davis Reactions.

Apart from the updates that a variety of readers sent yesterday about 
the affectless sadism of a UC Davis policemen, let me mention a few more 
links and resources:

1) Notice the crowd. This is a point I wish I had made the first time 
around. While the first 60 seconds of the 8-minute YouTube video are 
dominated by the shockingly calm brutality of the policeman, the rest of 
it is remarkable mainly for the stoicism and resolve of the protestors. 
You don't have to idealize everything about them or the Occupy movement 
to recognize this as a moral drama that the protestors clearly won. The 
self-control they show, while being assaulted, reminds me of grainy TV 
footage I saw as a kid, of black civil rights protestors being 
fire-hosed by Bull Connor's policemen in Alabama. Or of course the Tank 
Man in Tiananmen Square. Such images can have tremendous, lasting power. 
(Classic AP photo from the early 60s below, followed by Brian Nguyen 
photo from Davis.)


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