spicy sausage pasta


3 x chilli sausages fry in pan with olive oil
lemon drop chilli choped thrown in pan
more olive oil because everything burn/stick
garlic chopped throw in pan
jalepno chilli chopped throw in pan
more olive oil because everything burn/stick
cillegia chilli chopped throw in pan
white onion chopped throw in pan
several mushrooms chopped throw in pan
remove sausages when partly cooked and chop them back into pan
small tin of chopped tomatos in juice in pan
several cherry tomatos chopped in pan
sprinkling of salt in pan
sprinkling of ground pepper in pan
chop herbs from garden and put in pan
lid on
put new pan filled with water on top heat
wait for boilling 
write recipe on facebook
decide not to put on facebook after all but email to inappropriate mailing list 
put pasta in boiling water
wait for cooked
go to work


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