Dear Johannes I really hope you were ironic when you asked me for an
answer. I think no one has it. I was myself labeled as terrorist when I was
jailed as 19 years old, the same age the "lonely wolf" killer in Munich was.
And my answer is no one is a terrorist we are lost souls expecting to find
some answers in the stars or in the books or in the religions or in the
You know I am raised by German nuns it means my culture is rather
cosmopolitan and the German part is an important part of it.
When Goethe wrote about the young Werther, the lone romantic antihero who
kills himself,  many young European did the same and the book was banned.
The killer from Munich was inspired by Brejvik, the Norwegian killer who
killed 100 young socialdemocrat youngsters in a camp.
And who inspired Brejvik? He loved Hitler and had Mein Kampf as favorite
book. We live in Apocalyptical times and we are losing faith in politicians
and religions,  as Baudrillard and Lyotard called "the death of the big
narratives", the postmodern times.
And we must find patterns and shapes in the chaos.

Den 24 jul 2016 17:36 skrev "Johannes Birringer" <>:

> Dear Ana
> not wanting to engage in ideological fracturings here, to be honest;
> you must be refering to the passage that my friend from Houston had sent
> me in the reference to the Olympic Games
> of 1972, he spotted a sinister irony in the choice of the site;  you will
> recall that the militant group 'Black September' , a palestinian
> organization, took responsibility for
> the hostage taking, there is little disputing that, and i had no intention
> of causing harm with labeling.
> I was more interested in the perversion of term lone wolf (which was a
> literary term i think, from Hesse's Steppenwolf).
> My friend from Texas also pondered the scene he found on the internet
> captured during the Munich shootings last Friday:
> "An extraordinary altercation took place between some individuals filming
> the Munich killer as he wandered around a roof car park which was empty.
>  A fair amount of invective was directed from the group doing the filming
> at the killer below. His response to this was to repeat,
> "I am German." A strange response. There is perhaps no easy answer to the
> question, 'What did he mean?'"
> maybe you have an answer.
> regards
> jb
> ________________________________________
> From: [
>] on behalf of Ana Valdés [
> Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2016 9:11 PM
> To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
> Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] stone bridges, QRRR and counter-Munich
> Johannes I am always moved by your words. You have such a touching way to
> paint with words:)
> When you use the words "Palestinian terrorists" I react. Because I has
> been in Palestine several times and the only terror I met was that exerced
> by the Israeli soldiers at the checkpoints making us run from their rubber
> bullets and from their gas grenades.
> And many of the old Israeli politicians, as Menachem Begin, Sharon and
> others were called terrorists by the English when they bombed the King
> David Hotel killing many civilians and when they killed the envoy from the
> United Nations Folke Bernadotte.
> You are born in a country who exerced terror over Europe and Africa
> killing civilians and executing Jews, homosexuals and dissidents. The
> English exerced terror over the Boers in South Africa and were the first
> creating concentration camps.
> The French called the time between 1791 and 1794 the Regime of the Terror
> when not only the French aristocracy but also the political dissidents paid
> with their life their dissent.
> My point is terror is such an ambiguous word and I think no one should
> label others with it since terror seems to be inherent to all people and to
> all cultures.
> Ana
> On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 1:56 PM, Johannes Birringer <
> wrote:
> Receiving a note from Alan Sondheim, on the road, he mentions a stone
> bridge where he
> created a piece "changing the bridge lighting to produce,
> sequentially, and on different lighting levels/apparatus, SOS, QRRR, and
> MAYDAY (QRRR is an old radio code for warning/danger/disaster); this
> alternative with flame-light images on the bridge side (invisible from the
> trains that run above it) representing burning crushed buildings and
> people....."
> i am not sure why I think of the bridge, but a friend from Texas, after I
> told him
> about the chaos in Europe, the shootings, the terror, the military
> putsches, purges,
> and the new security measures, the increasingly heated debates on refugees
> and migration, Islamism, fascism, and violence, well, he noted that the
> shootings
> in Munich took place on the site of the former Olympic Park.
> The Olympia shopping centre is a two-tiered glass-covered mall that was
> built on the site of the 1972 Olympics.
> The Munich Games were overshadowed by a terrorist attack in which 11
> Israeli sportsmen and a German policeman were
> killed after being taken hostage by Palestinian terrorists.
> Now we hear that the shooting last Friday was by a young "lone wolf" (and
> what exactly do they mean by lone wolf).
> A Munich-based poet, the late Paul Wühr, once wrote about Die Wirklichkeit
> unter Beschuss (reality under shooting attack)
> alles ist doch in Ordnung /
> es geht weiter /
> ich glaube /
> ich glaube es geht weiter /
> ja des glaub ich schon.
> (translated)
> everything's all right, no? /
> life goes on /
> I believe /
> I believe life goes on /
> yeah, I believe so /
> that short QRRR, I tend to think, was meant as Wühr's satirical comment on
> "weltfromme Bekenntnisformeln" ,  pious liturgies that we tell ourselves,
> as we must repeat them and murmur them in the face of the all the constant
> flare ups.
> Johannes Birringer
> c/o Interaktionslabor Göttelborn
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