Yes! I agree, among everyone here.

On Tue, 26 Jul 2016, Ana Vald?s wrote:

Dear Alan and dear Johannes and dear Ruth and Marc and so many others dear
to me. Dear because we share a feeling of despair and frustration but we are
stubborn enough to believe in beauty, in sharing, in creating...In the
middle of the horrors of the Holocaust camps people created, in Rwanda poets
found time and places to write, in Chile Victor Jara sang at the Stadium
before they cut his hands. I truly belive as Albert Camus wrote once we are
heroes. Not because we make heroic deeds but only for surviving and for
coping with the small chores of everydays life.

On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 4:38 PM, Alan Sondheim <> wrote:

      We go on because otherwise one's giving into fear, I'd say
      "just" giving into fear, and statistically and otherwise one is
      almost entirely safe, not however in Turkey or other countries
      where the singularity of the iron fist overshadows all. Turkey
      is turning into another hell; I don't think (and I'm speaking
      ignorantly) France for example is. The U.S. remains to be seen
      of course. But there are other natural disasters, and disasters
      the result of negligence or stupidity as well. And we can't
      forget that there are other moments of exaltation; otherwise one
      is living in a constant state of anger, anguish, depression -
      and that is unbelievably counter-productive; that's happening,
      it seems (according to the news) to be happening everywhere in
      the United States now, fury from the left and right
      simultaneously, and I fear fury as much as anything; there has
      to be another way. So the question is NOW - what is to be done?
      Should we accelerate the violence and rhetoric in a kind of
      incandescent accelerationism, or should we learn, even at this
      late stage, to listen to one another? (I admire the work of so
      many on this list who believe in, open up to, the commons where
      listening and activism, art and non-art, prevail.)

      - Alan

      On Tue, 26 Jul 2016, Johannes Birringer wrote:

            apologies. yes, it was loaded, and terror is a word
            I now dread to hear, day after day, and day after
            day, and I am sorry i linked something that you had
            sent us, Alan (not about the historical Johnstown
            incident, but about your poetic media work with the
            QRRR and the bridge), with a few lines that I had
            jotted down from a a Munich poet who recently died.
            I was trying to ask the question how we go on, what
            warns us to be fearful or to resist fearfulness for
            our lives (condemning, perhaps, others or seeking
            for culprits to blame), to believe in the kind of
            democracy we cling to or hope to live in if we are
            fortunate, and what do you do when the tide quickly
            or gradually turns. I write to friends in Turkey
            yesterday, who tell me artists and academics have
            now been forbidden to travel. Just imagine you are
            told, sorry, you can't lave the country. You climb
            on a train, and watch out to spot the aggressor who
            may have a backpack on their shoulders, with a bomb.
            You stand in line to a rock concert, and the person
            near you blows himself up. You go to a fastfood
            restaurant, some one pulls a gun and starts
            shooting. You dance in a disco, someone starts
            killing people on the dance floor. You walk on a
            promenade, somone drives over you in a huge truck.
            You attend a peaceful pro democracy rally, as folks
            did in Kabul, and then there is an explosion. I was
            asking for a counter narrative.

            Johannes Birringer

            [] on behalf of
            Alan Sondheim []
            Sent: Monday, July 25, 2016 1:58 AM
            To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed
            Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] stone bridges, QRRR and

            "Terror" is already a loaded term and it effaces
            sometimes what one might
            want to reveal. We just have different attitudes
            here. And poverty wasn't
            the issue in Johnstown at the time. I apologize
            again, however; the
            discussion is too loaded for me as well.

            On Sun, 24 Jul 2016, Ana Vald?s wrote:

                  Dear Alan I think life is inclusive and
                  terror in Munich and what happened
                  in Johnstown are not exclusive but
                  includes each other. Poverty and to feel
                  different are the mothers of the terror
                  as well.

                  Den 24 jul 2016 21:41 skrev "Alan
                  Sondheim" <>:

                        First -"Lone wolf" - from the WSJ
                  - "The Phrase Lone Wolf Goes
                        Back Centuries A phrase used to
                  describe the culprit in the
                        Sydney siege stretches centuries
                  back to Native American chiefs,
                        Kipling and Crane."

                        I've heard it all my life.

                        Second - The bridge and what
                  happened at Johnstown is quite
                        different - two books are David J.
                  Beale, Through the Johnstown
                        Flood, and David McCullough, The
                  Johnstown Flood. As I
                        mentioned, I think, a minimum of
                  2209 people died from drowning,
                        the physical force of buildings
                  bearing down upon them, and
                        fire. The bridge was a retaining
                  wall for debris, buildings,
                        fire, people dead and alive, and
                  animals dead and alive.

                        It seems problematic to me -
                  having been up and down in
                        Johnstown, seeing the poverty
                  there now, and so forth - to
                        immediately have this slip into a
                  dialog about the Olympics and
                        the usual discussions on terror.
                  Johnstown wasn't this; it was
                        also very much about class
                  differences, etc., but it was also
                        about heroic efforts to save
                  thousands and thousands of lives
                        (which involved everything from
                  creating hospitals from scratch
                        to building railroad tracks in a
                  very few days, etc.). It's not
                        that I don't think the other
                  issues and dialogs are important -
                        they're absolutely critical - but
                  the issues are not the same
                        between the two.

                        When I was in Johnstown with
                  Azure, we walked to the damsite
                        (where the dam gave way), where
                  the Little Conemaugh River still
                        flows - and for us and many people
                  there, the issue is the vile
                        pollution from mine runoff - which
                  kills but slower - that's
                        evident everywhere; the River ran
                  bright orange, nothing lived
                        in it at all, and it's part of the

                        I apologize if I'm overstepping my
                  bounds here, in the
                        discussion; I just feel odd about
                  the slippage into a discourse
                        which seemed to me to efface what
                  happened 5/31/1889 in
                        Johnstown, what's happening there
                  now as well.


                        On Sun, 24 Jul 2016, Johannes
                  Birringer wrote:

                              Dear Ana

                              not wanting to engage in
                  ideological fracturings
                              here, to be honest; you must
                  be refering to the
                              passage that my friend from
                  Houston had sent me in
                              the reference to the Olympic
                  Games of 1972, he
                              spotted a sinister irony in
                  the choice of the site;
                              you will recall that the
                  militant group 'Black
                              September' , a palestinian
                  organization, took
                              responsibility for the
                  hostage taking, there is
                              little disputing that, and i
                  had no intention of
                              causing harm with labeling.

                              I was more interested in the
                  perversion of term lone
                              wolf (which was a literary
                  term i think, from
                              Hesse's Steppenwolf). My
                  friend from Texas also
                              pondered the scene he found
                  on the internet captured
                              during the Munich shootings
                  last Friday: "An
                              extraordinary altercation
                  took place between some
                              individuals filming the
                  Munich killer as he wandered
                              around a roof car park which
                  was empty. A fair
                              amount of invective was
                  directed from the group
                              doing the filming at the
                  killer below. His response
                              to this was to repeat, "I am
                  German." A strange
                              response. There is perhaps
                  no easy answer to the
                              question, 'What did he

                              maybe you have an answer.

                  on behalf of
                              Ana Vald?s
                              Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2016
                  9:11 PM
                              To: NetBehaviour for
                  networked distributed
                              Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour]
                  stone bridges, QRRR and

                              Johannes I am always moved
                  by your words. You have
                              such a touching way to paint
                  with words:)
                              When you use the words
                  "Palestinian terrorists" I
                              react. Because I has been in
                  Palestine several times
                              and the only terror I met
                  was that exerced by the
                              Israeli soldiers at the
                  checkpoints making us run
                              from their rubber bullets
                  and from their gas
                              And many of the old Israeli
                  politicians, as Menachem
                              Begin, Sharon and others
                  were called terrorists by
                              the English when they bombed
                  the King David Hotel
                              killing many civilians and
                  when they killed the
                              envoy from the United
                  Nations Folke Bernadotte.
                              You are born in a country
                  who exerced terror over
                              Europe and Africa killing
                  civilians and executing
                              Jews, homosexuals and
                  dissidents. The English
                              exerced terror over the
                  Boers in South Africa and
                              were the first creating
                  concentration camps.
                              The French called the time
                  between 1791 and 1794 the
                              Regime of the Terror when
                  not only the French
                              aristocracy but also the
                  political dissidents paid
                              with their life their
                              My point is terror is such
                  an ambiguous word and I
                              think no one should label
                  others with it since
                              terror seems to be inherent
                  to all people and to all


                              On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 1:56
                  PM, Johannes Birringer

                              Receiving a note from Alan
                  Sondheim, on the road, he
                              mentions a stone bridge
                  where he
                              created a piece "changing
                  the bridge lighting to
                              sequentially, and on
                  different lighting
                              levels/apparatus, SOS, QRRR,
                              MAYDAY (QRRR is an old radio
                  code for
                              alternative with flame-light
                  images on the bridge
                              side (invisible from the
                              trains that run above it)
                  representing burning
                              crushed buildings and

                              i am not sure why I think of
                  the bridge, but a
                              friend from Texas, after I
                  told him
                              about the chaos in Europe,
                  the shootings, the
                              terror, the military
                  putsches, purges,
                              and the new security
                  measures, the increasingly
                              heated debates on refugees
                              and migration, Islamism,
                  fascism, and violence,
                              well, he noted that the
                              in Munich took place on the
                  site of the former
                              Olympic Park.

                              The Olympia shopping centre
                  is a two-tiered
                              glass-covered mall that was
                  built on the site of the
                              1972 Olympics.
                              The Munich Games were
                  overshadowed by a terrorist
                              attack in which 11 Israeli
                  sportsmen and a German
                              policeman were
                              killed after being taken
                  hostage by Palestinian

                              Now we hear that the
                  shooting last Friday was by a
                              young "lone wolf" (and what
                  exactly do they mean by
                              lone wolf).

                              A Munich-based poet, the
                  late Paul W?hr, once wrote
                              about Die Wirklichkeit unter
                  Beschuss (reality under
                              shooting attack)

                              alles ist doch in Ordnung /
                              es geht weiter /
                              ich glaube /
                              ich glaube es geht weiter /
                              ja des glaub ich schon.


                              everything's all right, no?
                              life goes on /
                              I believe /
                              I believe life goes on /
                              yeah, I believe so /

                              that short QRRR, I tend to
                  think, was meant as
                              W?hr's satirical comment on
                              Bekenntnisformeln" ,  pious
                  liturgies that we tell
                              ourselves, as we must repeat
                  them and murmur them in
                              the face of the all the
                  constant flare ups.

                              Johannes Birringer
                              c/o Interaktionslabor

                              NetBehaviour mailing list



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