I noticed this -

"Maecenas touts itself as a blockchain platform that, according to its creators, will democratise access to fine art. For the first time, the Maecenas website enthuses, technology will allow investors, collectors and owners to exchange shares in paintings and sculptures instantly, akin to the way stocks of a company are traded today."

This does NOT democratise access to art; it's nothing more than a secure way to protect and exchange's one investment - which plays into the notion of enclaving described in Mike Davis' City of Quartz (think it was written in the 80s). Art has to RESIST enclaving, unless one accepts useless decoration and connoisseurship as the only form of art worth considering.

One of the amazing things about Furtherfield is, at least as far as I can tell, it itself is a form of resistance! I'd thank God for this, but given the state of things on the planet, I wouldn't want to burden Her with more communication.

- Alan
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