
it's been 3 days since i took advice from "aaron b" and migrated
to netbsd from openbsd.

i won't go overboard and say that i'm an instant fan-boy, but
frankly, the system feels the same, yet quite different.

for one, the responsiveness while using the operating system is
much better than under openbsd (or even freebsd).
secondly, the community (mailing list) isn't grumpy. :)

i migrated primarily because of the upcoming support for "lua"
throughout the operating system, hope it materializes.

what else could someone who's not so much into system setup and
administration, nor into systems programming do with netbsd?
ah yes, i am not much of a 'gui' user, so will be working at the
console, primarily, but would be nice to know if there's anyone
here using or carrying over 'cwm' from openbsd, it's kinda nice.

in closing, thanks for gracious support i have received ever
since i started pestering the list with questions of a naive type.

warm regards,


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