Hi Mayuresh,

On 17-Jun-2014 13:43:05, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
secondly, the community (mailing list) isn't grumpy. :)

Yay for non-grumpiness!
i migrated primarily because of the upcoming support for "lua"
throughout the operating system, hope it materializes.

From searching the mailing list and blogs, etc I think opinion is
quite divided, but personally I like Lua so I think it's a good idea.
what else could someone who's not so much into system setup and
administration, nor into systems programming do with netbsd?

Just use it day to day. I don't see that NetBSD has to be reserved to a system/server role. I mean, I do use it to host my website and as my email server, but I also use the exact same server as my remote "desktop" (Tmux) to write this email, write code, write blog posts, browse the web, use Twitter, etc.

ah yes, i am not much of a 'gui' user, so will be working at the
console, primarily, but would be nice to know if there's anyone
here using or carrying over 'cwm' from openbsd, it's kinda nice.

No, but I do use dwm. That makes NetBSD fine as a desktop OS for me. That way I can use a NetBSD machine to access my main NetBSD machine for double the goodness.

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