Welcome to user list of one of the finest OSes around!

Firstly, I don't find too many namesakes in a niche list like this. So
actually when I saw your signature, for a moment thought someone hacked my

> i won't go overboard and say that i'm an instant fan-boy, but
> frankly, the system feels the same, yet quite different.

I felt more or less the same when I switched from Linux 3 years back. My
reason to switch was constant hassles with upgrades and administration I
was facing with the Linux flavor I was using. [I still use Linux on some
machines and do not particularly dislike it, though NetBSD became my
preferred OS since then.]

I tried FreeBSD and NetBSD when I was at the crossroads. NetBSD won in
ease of installation and configuration. Despite having no background my
installation was up and running in a matter of hour, including the
download time, including wifi and all. I also like pkgsrc. I like it much
more than ports. I also participated a bit by submitting patches to pkgsrc
and contributing some ports in pkgsrc/wip.

> in closing, thanks for gracious support i have received ever
> since i started pestering the list with questions of a naive type.

Share the same feelings about the list. Soon you'll see yourself being in
the expert's role helping newer users..


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