Here's a complete list of WM's for *nix systems

What exactly do you mean with " I tried awesome some years ago, but the
"awesome" decoration/artwork just got in the way and confused me"?
Don't take me wrong, I would just like to know what was so confusing.
Awesome user here ;-)

Den tors 6 sep. 2018 kl 12:05 skrev Thomas Mueller <>:

> > On 05.09.2018 12:04, Wean Irdeh wrote:
> > > Hi all mailing list members! What is your recommended desktop
> environment
> > > for NetBSD?
> > I used xfce for years and I spend lot of time just rearranging window
> with the
> > mouse pointer, positioning for example a Firefox window next to xterm
> > terminals. I was getting mad!
> > For 2 weeks I switched to i3w, a tilling wm. I fount it intuitive and I
> don't
> > care anymore to window positioning.
> > just my 2 cents
> > xpetrl.
> What is i3w?  I couldn't find i3w in pkgsrc/wm or (FreBSD) ports/x11-wm.
> Do you mean i3?
> I tried i3, didn't get past the devious, confusing documentation, might
> have if I had stuck with it more.  Special keys, such as Alt, were
> deviously named in the documentation.
> I want to try ratpoison and jwm.  Now I am in icewm 1.3.8, which I use in
> both NetBSD and FreeBSD.
> I never got far with GNOME or with KDE 4.x.
> I tried awesome some years ago, but the "awesome" decoration/artwork just
> got in the way and confused me.
> Tom

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