On Thu, Sep 06, 2018 at 05:01:41PM +0100, Patrick Welche wrote:
> Not as fun as I had hoped! It has been a while since the last round, and I
> wondered, given an ideal world with infinite developer time and full
> documentation, with just an eye on correctness, what current views were on:
> * wayland vs X: what would The Right compositor look like?
> * What would the notion of a "seat" in a
>     https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/multiseat/
>   sense look like in NetBSD?
> * ioctl vs sysctl:
>   GTK4 -> Vulkan(!) -> Mesa 18.1 -> kern/51786 how to pass info to drm

The answer to the last question is "neither!" according to yesterday's
commit from Taylor - thanks!

Any thoughts on the other two?



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